1. Where is Cenntro headquartered?

Cenntro Inc.
501 Okerson Road
Freehold, New Jersey 07728

2. When was Cenntro founded?

The company was founded in 2013.

3. Where is Cenntro listed and what is the stock ticker symbol?

Cenntro’s stock is traded on Nasdaq under the ticker symbol “CENN”.

4. How do I contact Cenntro if I want to purchase vehicles?

Please email sales@cenntroauto.com for more information. 

5. Where can I find more about Cenntro?
Please visit Cenntro’s corporate website https://www.cenntroauto.com/ for more information.
6. Where can I find the latest news releases and financial reports?
Please visit Cenntro’s investor relations website https://ir.cenntroauto.com/.